Monday 7 January 2013

Reading Julian Jaynes

6 th Jan

If consciousness is the mere impotent shadow of action, why is it more intense when action is most hesitant? And why are we least conscious when doing something most habitual?

The comment about the cut earthworm, how we project our consciousness ..

Again the question arises how do I enter into the head of Olenka. Or how disoriented I feel when very sleepy and haven't slept for over 24 hrs. Can I saythat there is consciousness behind the rubbish that I say in that state.  Often wonder, is that how a Alzheimer patient feels

My nephew while a toddler used to call himself "You".

7th Jan

1. While learning a new field, my learning is fastest when I feel as if I am recalling something.
2. In Maths, Analysis, I understood without much effect. Like I had learnt them long time back and forgotten. But I have had to really struggle through Algebra.Decades! I remember the day I understood representation theory. I was solving some puzzle. The solution came to me and I put them down symbolically. Then I realized what I was doing was irreducible representations.
3. Something I had read about brain injury patients. Then I was visiting a family where the father had suffered a paralytic attack. The daughters were teaching him how to write. His handwriting was a child's scrawl. Then on a piece of paper I wrote Sunday, Monday, .. and asked him to complete it. He completed it in his normal handwriting to everyone's delight, but he refused the ownership of what he wrote -- Said that I made him write that .
4. Similar thing happens with Algebra. I feel I do not understand,even after solving something. Analysis I understand even before solving.

9th Jan